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Jose María Rodriguez Brasas Consultoria Negocios

José María Rodríguez Brasas & Associates

Operations and business development consultancy. Supporting companies that pursue improvement, corporate growth and business model scalability.

Turning your challenges into momentum for your business

We embrace our clients’ challenges and provide them with solutions tailored to their needs in
order to reinforce and consolidate their market position.

Jmrb Associates Consultoria Operaciones

Operations consultancy

Operations suppose a key aspect in companies’ performance, since they materialise corporate strategy and create value for clients. However, markets change their dynamics constantly, so that organisations are pushed to adapt their business models quickly, though not all of them have resources and capacity to do it and consequently lose competitive advantage.
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Jmrb Associattes Consultoria Operaciones

Business development and corporate growth consultancy

We live in a global and highly competitive world, where companies are constantly pushed to adapt their business models to fulfil even more changing and demanding needs. However, neither all companies are so dynamic nor have enough resources to outline new strategies or penetrate new markets.
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Frequent questions

Jmrb & Assocs offer our consulting services to any company seeking their operations improvement and growth, not depending on the sector they perform. Thus, our solutions are tailored to our clients’ needs.

At Jmrb & Assocs we bet on a comprehensive expert service i.e. we do not only evaluate our clients’ needs or challenges before proposing solutions but also take an active part during the whole implementation process, from the launch up to goals achievement and final test.

At Jmrb & Assocs we specialised in operations management and therefore consider this aspect as key for good organisational performance and growth. Actually we rely on operations to address any potential business opportunity. There is neither commercial nor financial strategies that generate benefits without a good operations management that backs them.

Those where our clients operate in or want to expand to. We work to overcome all barriers, both in domestic markets if clients want to grow horizontally and overseas, when they bet on internationalisation. We are experienced in working in diverse markets such as Spain, Russia or Equatorial Guinea.

Please, do not hesitate to contact us and schedule a meeting to know your company’s needs and the challenges you face. After performing a preliminary analysis, we shall propose the different collaborative alternatives that might exist between us.

Because we are professional and realistic, not snake oil salesmen. We integrate our clients’ needs and take an active part to overcome their challenges and achieve their goals, considering them as ours. Strongly believe that our clients’ trust just relies on honesty, effort and results.

Where do we operate?

Our head office is based in León (Spain), where we serve our clients operating in Europe, Middle East and Africa. We also have offices in Omsk (Russia) and Bogotá (Combia) to cover the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) and Latam markets respectively.

León Omsk Bogotá

Organisations that have placed their trust in us

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